
Grandpa Pete had the day off work so OF COURSE fishing was a must!
Grandpa discovered a cute little pond up a canyon fairly close to us :)
It was a beautiful, slightly crisp, day -fall colors all around!
Law is a true blue fisherman!
He is a supreme caster -even with an actual adult reel, he can feel, reel, and catch his own fish!
I already knew all this before Monday,
This time every time he touched a rod there was a fish on the end crazy!
I can't tell you how many times he walked over to a pole saying "I think there's a fish on this one."
I'd say "probably not just leave it" -he'd reel in anyway and sure enough...

 He caught this beautiful tiger trout! I've always wanted to snag one but have never had the chance!
 My tiny fisherman caught a cute little rainbow trout :)

When we got back we got news that Uncle Seth will be leaving for bootcamp THIS WEEK!!! 
We're SO excited for him! He left Tuesday and starts training TODAY! 
That makes #2 Marine brothers for me :) I'm a proud sister, SEMPER FI!! Love those boys!


The Eldredge's said…
Man all these posts make me so excited to come back to Utah!!! I want to go fishing with Granpa Pete! Kennadee will love that too! That's so awesome that Law is such a great fisherman! That Tiger Trout was gorgeous! And I love Grey's adorable fish!
Unknown said…
It looks like lots of fun! Your boys are so cute! Did you get any fish?

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