Being a parent is so hard and scary sometimes. It's hard when something scary is going on and you've got to keep it together and make choices and stay calm. Last Wednesday Law had his tonsils and adenoids out, everything went well and he was recovering -or so we thought. Yesterday, a week after surgery, Law came in my room sometime in the 4 o'clock hour of the morning and said he spit out blood. I wasn't sure if it was an emergency or not so I said a quick prayer for direction on whether he needed to go to the hospital or not. The second my prayer ended Cole came in and said he would definitely need to go in -as he was now laying with a bowl full of blood under his face. I rushed him in smiling, saying 'I'm sure it's fine..we're just going to the doctor..everything is going to be's fun to go to the doctor in the dark!' doing my best to keep things light while freaking out on the inside, eyes welling up with tears -he was DEATHLY af...