waiting on 2 pink lines

So we just found out the other day that we're expecting our second child. I don't really know what to say because it doesn't feel like a reality, I'm still trying to grasp the thought that I have one! Anyrate I am due the 6th of March which seems so far away! I am so excited! I am also struggling with tons of feelings of anxiety and some worries, like will Law feel replaced or feel I don't love him as much? Will I love them both equally? etc. etc. Did/Do any of you have worries like this? How do I help Law cope with pregnancy and a new sibling? Any advice?


Anonymous said…
Congratulations on being pregnant...chinese lunar says a girl :) You sure like to get busy around the same time every year...ummmm LOL
The Eldredge's said…
Congrats!!! I am so excited!! I can't wait until she/he comes!! Just start telling Law about the baby now. He is a little young to really grasp the concept but just have him around babies as much as possible and spend as much one on one time with him as you can now!! Good Luck!!! Love ya!!
Jenn Kirk said…
Congratulations! That is just amazing how close your two children will be.

All you fears -- completely normal. I mourned the last few weeks before my 2nd was born. But you know, you're giving Law the greatest gift he could ask for; a sibling. And you'll be amazed at how much love you are capable of, even when you think you can't possibly love anyone or anything more than your first child.
MaRea Hess said…
HOLY COW!!! Your instincts were right at the park the other day. Congratulations I hope you don't get all that sick. I still don't know how I am going to love two kids, but they say you love the 2nd as much as the first.
Anonymous said…
Why didn't you tell me? I am so excited! Woot! Gavin and Keaton were 18 months apart and there is just no way to really prepare a young child. Law will only be 2 when the baby comes and it will probably be hard to share his mom for awhile. But they adjust. It took Gavin only a couple of months before it was no big deal that we had Keaton.
In the beginning its really hard. After 6 months or so you'll all of a sudden just be a pro at two kids and its no biggy. So don't stress yourself on how you're going to handle it. It will be totally fine!
Tashina said…
So, my advice (not that I am always right, but it has helped Mason) let Law know from the beginning. Ever since day one we have told Mason that baby sister is in mommy's tummy and that she will be coming to live with us soon. At first he didn't know how to respond, but now he loves to kiss my belly and talk to his baby sister. Law is a little bit younger than Mason, so I don't know if it will have the same effect on him, but it has worked so far for us! Good luck! I am so excited for you guys! It will be so fun for us all to be pregnant at the same time!! :)
Tashina said…
PS- You not to take away from your exciting news, but you either need to get up some pics of your new do or come to see me soon! I can't wait to see!!
Me said…
Congratulations!!! How exciting! Makes me dream about having another one. But.. it's a little too soon for me.
Anonymous said…
Have you thought of any names yet? Perhaps, Order or Justice? Imagine the ferocity that a duo like Law and Order would bring.
Jessica Newman said…
actually we have been thinking about the name Liberty, wouldn't that be GREAT! Liberty and Law!!! :D
Anonymous said…
Gavin was almost a Liberty. If we every had a girl she would probably be Liberty cause its John's favorite name. I think you should use it, its cute!
Kyle Hess said…
I have not seen you for some time, how are you feeling? Have you hit that stage where you want to die?
Anonymous said…
are you still alive?
Anonymous said…
I'm so excited for you and know that you will love this one sooooo much! You are a loving, caring person so naturally you will have enough love for 2...3...4....
If you just include Law as much as you can in the process before the birth and the care of the baby after the birth he'll be fine! Just look at how close you and David have always been and he was a lot younger than Law!

Love you all and am so proud of you!

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