Law's photography & Grey's modeling

They crack me up with how much they love each other, this is a pic taken by Law while laying on the floor telling/showing Grey how to roll over. The amazing thing is that Grey DID IT and for the very first time!
I accidentally put up the wrong pic! I'm not used to Cole's computer where you cant see the pics you choose
Here's the real deal!


The Eldredge's said…
I love the huge eyes!! He is so cute!!
If Law is taking the picture then who is that in the background on the couch?
Anonymous said…
Do you have more kids we don't know about?? LOL - Grey is a cutie and I am sure they are absolutely darling to watch play together!
Jessica Newman said…
Adorable boys! I though you were going private?
The Eldredge's said…
SOOO CUTE!! He is such a cute boy!! I love the color of his eyes and his super long lashes!! He is going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up!! I hope I can see him sometime before he gets too much bigger!!
Tashina said…
I love that he rolled over after Law showed him how! What sweet boys you have!
Anonymous said…
PS I love your're pictures are adorable! Law is getting so big!
The Dean Family said…
What a cute blog! YOu are an amazing women! I am so grateful to have you as a friend!

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