Happy Halloween

We had a great time celebrating Halloween all week!
we carved a pumpkin each day
we had a cookie decorating party friday with a bunch of friends it was so fun!
We had 3 little pirates!
Law and Ashtyn waiting to go trick or treating on Saturday
Our little pirate princess
two cute sloppy pirates enjoying their loot!
We hope all of you had a great time too!


The Eldredge's said…
SOOOOOO CUTE!!! I love it!!! Love Ashtyn's costume!! How fun!!!
Mom said…
Great costumes, looks like you had a great time, wish we could have been there. We got gyped and only had 2 sets of trick or treators, less than 8 total candies given out. Any takers for left overs?
Jessica Newman said…
We would love some left overs! The boys got about 8 candies each because it was raining -but surprisingly all of our candy is gone
Jessica Newman said…
What a great week! I love the cookie decorating party! The costumes are adorable too :)
Anonymous said…
Cute!!! They are adorable. You have three adorable kids and I love her costume!
Sarah Ball said…
The pirates turned out so cute! Love the costumes..and thanks for inviting us to decorate cookies! Coop loved running around playing chase with the boys!

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