Oh my goodness my baby is almost a year old where has time gone!?


The Eldredge's said…
For some reason I can't see the picture in this post but your header pic is adorable!! Do you want to email me some pics and I can make a blog header for you? I can even just take that picture and add words to it. Let me know what you want me to do. Love ya!!
The Eldredge's said…
Hooray I can see it now!! So cute!!! She is such a gorgeous baby!!!!
Anonymous said…
She is such a cutie! I Love the picture! They do grow up too fast!
Anonymous said…
ummm she is freaking adorable! i want one!!! Girls are so fun! And we need to totally get together soon. Umm Sept 9th - Friday I have the day off for doctors appts in the morning so we should do something after that! Let me know! And I'll text you too! Thanks for being an awesome friend!

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