Usually we do sort of a "stay-cation" once a year for our own little family trip. This year we did a big trip to Montana :) -or the "homeland" as I like to call it. We were having so much fun I got exactly one picture the whole week -LAME!
We started our trip off Thursday: -we stopped to have Dr. Grandpa do a little surgery on Lola (our dog got shot :( and needed a bullet removed from her leg).
Then headed for Uncle Cory's where Lola would be enjoying the rest of her vacation with her favorite cousin Poncho :)
We dropped the kids off to Aunt Leena to run their hearts out and get nice and exhausted for the long trip ahead while Cole and I got to go to the temple and watch our sweet friends be sealed as a family! It was wonderful to see them go through the temple together and when they brought in the sweet little girl to get sealed to her parents and be a family forever .....well..... there's NO holdin back the tears it was all very beautiful!
Congratulations Ashur, Victoria, and Oaklee! We're so happy for you!
After picking up the kiddos and some burgers we were on our way! Our drive was LONG and we made it to Billings at about 3:30 AM and crashed at the house my sisters were staying in.

Friday: we slept in a little -til 8 AM woohoo lol! We got cleaned up and the kids got to play with all their Texas cousins which they LOVED of course!! I got to hang out with my sisters :D Cole got to visit the distribution center there -since he packed exactly NO underwear :) -it's kinda important!
We went to visit my cousins at Meadow and Travis's house, Cole finally got to meet all of my cousins! And I got to meet all their kids! It was great! We checked into our hotel and CRASHED!

Saturday: Was my cousin Birch's wedding he's the youngest of my cousins on that side so now all of them are married :) Cole got to go to the Billings temple early that morning to do baptisms for the dead! Before the ceremony we went to Ivory and Will's house for lunch and hatchet throwing :D -probably Cole's FAVORITE part of the trip he and Will REALLY hit it off! Then on to the church! It was a wonderful wedding and shannon -the bride- looked radiant! I'm excited to have her in our family! We went to the hotel for naps so we could party it up at the reception later that night! It was a blast you've never been to a real dance party unless you've partied with the Shelhamer-Haradens we danced the night away and the kids LOVED IT :) We went to the hotel and -again- crashed!

Sunday: We woke up and got ready for church, went to my Uncle Steve and Aunt Linda's to visit them, my Nanna and Grandpa, and uncle Carl it was a great visit I adore my Haraden family and hate that we dont get to see them more!! We found a church and went to sacrament meeting then off to Breeze and Robbie's house for lunch and a visit. I love that my cousins all live there so close together it was so great to see them and watch our kids all play together! After an attempt at napping and swimming at the hotel we got some dinner and were off to Meadow's again for our final visit with everyone. That night I got to play some games with Maria, Russell, Mom, Dad, and Breeze it was fun then Breeze and I stayed up til about 4:30AM catching up :) It was so great!

Monday: Cole's alarm went off at about 6AM :P and it was time to pack up and leave :'( We got everything all loaded up and started our 15 hour drive home. We went through part of Yellowstone and Teton National Parks it was GORGEOUS! I was looking so hard for some bears but didn't find any we did however see a HUGE bull elk and a herd of bison -of course. We planned of visiting Aunt Tena on our way up and didnt get a chance to because of how late it was so we wanted to try her on the way back but she was working so we missed her again :( we drove to pocatello grabbed some dinner and had only a million and a half pee breaks but finally ended up at Cory's around 10PM to get Lola which put us at home right around midnight nerves tired and fried we crashed and are still not quite recovered hahaha!
All in all a wonderful trip every time I go up there I never want to go home Montana is home to me -the mountains, the fresh -usually cool- air, and smells I LOVE it we will have to live there at some point! But for now it's nice to be home -in Gunnison :)


Unknown said…
Miss you!!! it was sooo fun!!! we are almost recovered, so we are ready for you to come back and wear us out again. :)
Unknown said…
Ps glad you blogged ;D
Jessica Newman said…
Sounds like the world's busiest vacation! I would love to come visit you guys when you are living in Montana :)
The Eldredge's said…
I'm so glad you guys came up! It was fun to have everyone there! Your boys were so cute dancing! And I loved getting to know Ashtynn better!

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