Halloween season was great there were cookies to decorate and eat, pumpkins to carve, hairs to cut, and LOTS of candy!

Law ALWAYS thinks carving pumpkins will be SO FUN -but he has such bad texture issues and never enjoys the slimey-ness lol -love that boy!

We went to the city's pumpkin festival -which the kids thought was awesome
they participated in the freeze dance competition -kinda :)
They got loaded up on all kinds of carnival food and candy lol

We did our ward trunk-or-treat/chili cook-off -no pics :(
I won first prize for my bacon, potato, broccoli soup :D 
which -not to be cocky- wasn't surprising because it is AMAZING hahaha!

Last night I took the kids out trick-or-treating (also no pics :( ) until they were BEGGING to go home and go to bed!
All-in-all it was a great month!
Now on to November I can't wait to start pies!!!


Unknown said…
Look at you being all domestic! Love it! I want to try some of the soup!
Anonymous said…
The keeping the kids out till they're begging to come home, sounds like you're a chip off the old block :-)

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