AAANNNDDD we're back :)
We moved, we're here, our home is up for sale -check it out here 
we're still getting settled into the new place, meeting people, etc etc
The new place has A LOT to be desired :) but we are SUPER grateful for it!
The school is eh -ok- at best but we're just trooping along :)
our ward here is fantastic we love it the end!
How was your Christmas?
Our was great we just spent time together and loved it.
We talked about Christ, ate delicious food, 
watched Polar Express, opened pj's and a new camera :D (yay), went to bed.
In the morning we gathered the kids to come down and find their loot!
They were very happy and we got a few grand surprises as well!
Here's a few pics, some on Christmas, others...well... random :)
Grey the little archer:
My sinister baby 
 She's beautiful -and loves to snuggle her Daddy
 My Nanna and Grandpa got her a doll that she LOVES 
-wouldn't pose for a pick just wanted the tag off!
 The boys were SSSOO HAPPY to unwrap new costumes
 -also from Nanna and Grandpa
they've worn them everyday!
 the boys (incl. Cole) got a new project to work on together -model rockets that launch :)
they were excited and got right to work!
 Law my mighty archer -or lizard :)
 we bought ash a dress-up since the boys are SO into it we figured she needed one
 she wouldn't take hers off either :)
 well the boys hurried to build one rocket and NEEDED to go out for a launch
The wait
The launch
The retrieval  
 My sweet Brother, Sister, Nieces and Nephews
sent a wonderful gift, a book frosty the snowman 
with a recording of them reading it to us and singing the song at the end
it is WONDERFUL and we all love it
The kiddos miss the TX cousins so much
-and so do I :'(
 He's beautiful what can I say :)
 our kids LOVE trains Gma Jina has them down! 
She gets them sets that can build on each other 
and we end up with huge elaborate tracks filling the house!
it's fun!
 we love our Lola and are so glad we get to keep her!


The Eldredge's said…
How fun!! Merry Christmas! It looks like you guys had a blast! The pictures are great quality did you take them with your new camera? So fun!
Jessica said…
Glad you guys found a place! The snow looks freezing! Merry Christmas :)
Unknown said…
good to hear from you! nanna was really excited about the costumes she sent for the boys! Dressing up is so fun. Glad you had a nice christmas

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