WoW where have I been well lets see
we celebrated Grey's 4th bday -I can't believe my baby boy is 4! I'm pretty sure I'm still 19-ish ??
We didn't really get good pics from the day but it was a great day!
We ended up having our sweet sister missionaries join us and we all went out for Chinese food
Then cam back home to have strawberry short-cake and ice cream cones
Grey -you're still my baby, no matter how old you are. Thank you for recognizing that.
I love love love you!
Then Grandpa, the kids, and I took a little road trip to Texas :)
24hr drive broken up over a few days and the kids were AWESOME!
We don't even have a dvd player or anything I thought it'd be miserable but it was so much fun!
I was so glad to have my Dad there and spend so much time with him
NO ONE on this whole green earth is better with kids than he is!
He's so patient and amazing! They were so happy to have him!
I was so happy to have him :)
Late nights and early mornings make cute faced travelers :)
We went through Monticello so we drove the kiddos to the temple
It's such a small pretty temple I haven't been there yet but I plan to go soon!
We saw a lot of other cool things on our drive
2 wild boars, tiny white-tail deer, etc
and a REALLY amazing thing -to me at least :)
If you -like me- were born and raised in mountainous country
where no building/structure blocks your view of those snow-capped beauties
you DO NOT know what this is!
As I was driving I saw this orange red dome tent far off in the distance
yet in a couple seconds I realized....
IT'S THE MOON!! I had to pull over and take a pic
-which doesn't even come CLOSE to the real deal baby!
The moon raises OFF THE GROUND! It never occurred to me before!
no mountains = sunrise/sunset/moon-rise OFF THE GROUND!
It was beautiful and unusual :)
We had a great time in Texas -2 of my nieces were baptized :')
unfortunately my camera stayed in the car pretty much the whole time :(
The ride back was great too, my kids are wonderful!
When we came back we celebrated Law's 6th bday!
-again weird I have a 6yr old at 19ish years of age ???
What is with our pic taking? WE SUCK lately!
It was a great day I brought cupcakes to school
then after we had parent teacher conference which was great Law is such a little smartie ;)
then we all went to planet play
-or pizza planet if you ask my kids :)
the night was full of pizza, laser tag, go-carts, etc :)
and we came home to pecan pie and vanilla icecream mmmMMMM!