oh yes the dish soap incident! well he broke out in a rash from head to toe! (which the poison control moron said wasn't because of the soap, DUH what else would it have been!!??? they didn't even ask what was in the soap -which had oxyclean mine at home has bleach you would figure they would ask IDIOTS!!!- they just said oh he'll get the runs but he'll be fine) anyways we got him some zyrtec and possibly OD'd him because he turned into a little rag-doll baby it was so-o freakin scary!!! any how he pulled out of it and is 100% better -well except for having the flu right now :)
Hi Jessica! Cute blog! Your little baby Law is so big now! Wow! Let me know how the wrap is...I think they look so cute, but it looks kinda scary too, like the baby will just slip out! (I'm sure they won't though). They just look so comfy!
Jessica, I've never seen your baby what a doll, I love him already! You'll have to let me know where you got the cut backgrounds for your blog. What a cute family! :)
MOMS, YOUR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS NEEDED! A few months ago I was in Walmart :P with three VERY small children. Law was being a very happy playful self -which is rare so I REALLY enjoy these moments. Not bothering anyone or anything just being happy, laughing, and playing when an old man came around the corner and SH'd him harshly it caught him off guard he was scared and sad. I didn't do anything -not because I agreed with the man that he needed to 'SSHHH!!' but because I just didn't know what to do! I have regretted not saying something to that man ever since. We are a loud family and Law does have a big voice but he didn't need to do that it was rude and uncalled for. Today I visited that same Walmart for the first time since then and my boys were running around the cart as I was checking out -just being happy, not being destructive at all -and believe me I'd be the first to admit if they were being too rowdy -it's not uncommon. However this time, lik...
So we just found out the other day that we're expecting our second child. I don't really know what to say because it doesn't feel like a reality, I'm still trying to grasp the thought that I have one! Anyrate I am due the 6th of March which seems so far away! I am so excited! I am also struggling with tons of feelings of anxiety and some worries, like will Law feel replaced or feel I don't love him as much? Will I love them both equally? etc. etc. Did/Do any of you have worries like this? How do I help Law cope with pregnancy and a new sibling? Any advice?
also how has Law been since the drinking of dish soap?