Little brother is getting so BIG
Grey decided to teach his self to ride a 2-wheeler today!
Here's the first few runs:
*please ignore my annoying voice*
Our sweaty, tired, little 3 year old!
We love our Grey!
I actually took his training wheels off last week and he had NO balancing coordination at all!
So I took off the pedals and tried the "strider" method -yeah...he was having NONE of that! 
So I figured oh well he's three he has years to learn :)
Then today as we were walking in the house from riding bikes he said 
"Mom, I can drive that without training wheels."
Then he and Law grabbed some wrenches took off the wheels and away he went :)
Grey is such a fast learner -he's actually pretty hard to teach compared to most kids but once HE decides he wants to and puts his mind to doing something he just gets up and does it instantly!
Even potty training was like that and "night time" training he just says he's going to and...
Grey is so funny, loving, happy and wonderful
I love this little boy he makes my heart just melt!


The Eldredge's said…
Wow! Kennadee can't (I should say won't) ride her bike without training wheels! That is so amazing!! What a big guy! He is so adorable! I love the picture of him and Lola! So cute!!
Unknown said…
wow that is great! there is no stopping him now! Madilyn just learned this summer and loves it
Rachael said…
Go Grey! Both my boys are still on training wheels lol!

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