
We bought Law building blocks for Christmas so what does he do?......
Head straight for the pantry to build with cans!
Next year we are TOTALLY buying him soup!


The Eldredge's said…
That is so stinkin' cute!! What a good builder!!
MaRea Hess said…
such a cute little guy!!!
Rachel EM said…
That reminds me of a comic where the parents bough their kids really expensive computer toys and they all ended up playing with Lincoln Logs for hours...

He is so cute, and I love stacking cans too! But they really hurt when they fall on your toes. :(
Rachel EM said…
bough...T. Bought! Yeah, I can spell.
Alicia said…
I have to say that I saw your Visiting Teaching acting debut over the holidays while we were visiting Aaron and Diana and I cracked up for three days straight thinking of you saying, "Sister Turner, could you get the meatloaf out of the oven? And can you wear this hat, and this apron, and make yourself look so stupid....'oh sure!'"

I hear it was ad lib and I loved it. You did a great job!
CaraLee said…
Isn't that the way it always is, you buy toys but the pans, cans, etc. in the cupboards are always more interesting. He is so cute!!

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