we're back online! I'm so excited to get blogging again SO MUCH has gone on! Grey is now 1 year old and Law just turned 3, and if you've noticed any other changes to my blog -you can see there's a lot more going on in our little family!


Anonymous said…
Yeah!!! I'm glad youa re back to blogging! And congrats again on little Rochelle...ok I can dream!
Hess said…
Wow, your pregnant!! Very exciting and crazy. I love that you are so willing to be pregnant and bring several spirits into this world, I love it!!!
The Eldredge's said…
I'm glad to see you back online! That is great!! Get postin' so I can see more recent pics of the boys! Love ya sis!!
Brandy_Webb said…
wow i was totally gonna ask you... i new it..congrats hope its a girl this time
Shalon said…

Congratulations, Newman!! I miss you, my friend! We need to get back in touch. I've been a horrible friend!

I'm so excited for you!
Mom said…
Well, now I can see what you are up to when you're not visiting with me on the phone, lol.

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