Christmas for Daddy

I know Cole never reads my blog so I can post about this :) the boys have been working hard painting some ceramic Christmas ornaments for him I love these ornaments because they're bears playing with trains and they remind me of my boys!
Law painting so carefully
And Grey
the finished products
they were so cute about it and are WAY excited to give them to Cole
Thanks Mom for your help with these:)


The Eldredge's said…
Awww! How fun that this family tradition has been carried down to all our kiddos!! How fun!! They are great artists!!
Anonymous said…
that's so cute! What a great present!
Mom said…
I'm so glad they enjoyed them. I forgot to tell you I found someone who has a kiln so when you get some time we will have to dig through storage and get the molds and slip out and see what we can do with them!

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