6 and a half... whatever:)
Ashtyn is getting so big and growing so fast
           she's now a whopping 14lbs -yep still tiny!
and 26 inches long!
of course being one of our babies 
she has a big round head -17 inches 
She started some solids
Found and fell in love with her feet
 Grew even bigger jowls :) 
 And is mastering sitting up!


The Eldredge's said…
Oh my goodness she is just so gorgeous!!! I just want to give her a squeeze!!! Love that girl!! She is growing up way to fast though!!
LaurenOpie said…
What a pretty baby!!
Mom / Nannies said…
She is a doll!! Every bit as pleasant in personality as she is in looks! She's so much fun and staying the size that I can still pick her up when I want to, I know it will only last a few more days but it was fun while it lasted, lol.
Me said…
Awww, I've not been around your blog in forever...what a cute little GIRL you have! Congratulations!!!

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