Alright now that I'm passed the trauma of Law's accident here are some pics of what I bought!
(some things I had already!)
so here is the whole layout-
my bowls -from Debbie Mildenstein
(she always finds the cutest things!)
some books I had, a lantern from Jehn, a vase from Gram, and family by TaiPan
lanterns from Ikea and some more books I had!
Love from Natalie, star by TaiPan, and some twigs from my tree
and lastly, my favorite clock by TaiPan, some leaves and twigs, friends by TaiPan, and of course more books I had!
So what do y'all think?
Thank you Rachael, Justi, and Tashina!
Couldn't have done it without ya!


The Eldredge's said…
It all looks awesome!! You did such a great job!! I love that the twigs are from your tree you are so creative!!
Anonymous said…
She's not only creative but she's cute in the comments she makes on pictures. I think the decorations are very cute and fun! Great Job!!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh I love it! It looks so awesome. You are the decorating queen Jessica!
Unknown said…
Wow, you are a decorator at heart Jessica! That looks fabulous!

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