Tag AGAIN :)

I was tagged by my sister Maria with this - enjoy!
List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 3 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
1- Being a wife to my bestfriend Cole
2- Being a mother
3- Music, dance, sports, movies -oh wait is that too many ??
1- Having one of my children die is pretty much my biggest fear
2- Forgetting where my blessings come from
3- Standing still (in life)
1- I hate to think that I am the same person I was last year, last month, week or even yesterday
I know there is always something I can change about myself to help me become a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, or person in general, so to always become better is a long term goal for me
2- Get our yard cleaned up and looking decent!
3- Try new things to learn more about my interests, likes & dislikes, and talents
1- I love taking, receiving, and looking at pictures LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!
2- I love to learn new things, interesting facts (no matter how useless), learning to do new things (sports, crafts, etc.), ya know ANYTHING!
3- Since buying a house I have really gotten into decorating I'm constantly thinking of what new things I can do or finding old junk I can turn into treasure, and shopping for such things
1- I dye my hair its natural color
2- I want to have a farm one day, just a small one with a big red barn and a few animals
3- I have a large oval birthmark on my right calf
I know you are only supposed to tag 3 people but I want to tag all of you that read my blog and since there is only about 3 of you I think it will be ok!


Anonymous said…
Sorry, I figured if I left a comment back to your comment on my site you wouldn't get it, ummm...in St George, during the time I was good, was when I didn't have a job and had NO MONEY cause momma didn't help me out...then I got a job, got stressed, and got a hubbie and now it's all over...though the first few months I was pregnant I did really good but not because I was worried about the health of my baby, but because it stopped tasting good...but I got back into the groove by my fifth month...yeah me!!

Go figure huh?? I guess i will always be addicted...I am just hoping that it will stop tasting good again and I don't have to be pregnant for it to happen!!

How's Law?? I feel bad, you know I still have his present..I figure if you don't come get it, it will be Paden's gift in a little while...haha...So that means you need to come get it!!
The Eldredge's said…
That is so funny that you want a big red barn!! I just was telling Russell the other day that I want a big red barn!!

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