
Showing posts from 2008


Everyone knows I am a huge present peeker -there is rarely a present I open that I don't already know what is! Well it turns out it runs in the blood! I heard paper tear, then law yell "BOOK!!" -I ran into the other room but I was too late I found him surrounded by wrapping reading the book! Thanks Nanna and Grandpa -sorry the gift didn't last until Christmas!


It is snowing like crazy at our house today! Everything is COVERED! Law was really excited about looking at it -touching it is another story however -not a very good pic, but you get the point -LOTS OF SNOW!!!

Happy Anniversary to US!!

Ok, so Saturday (the 20th) was our anniversary! Cole surprised me Thursday night by saying "Hey why dont I take tomorrow off and we can go to the temple? My mom says she'll watch Law" ok so those of you that know Cole probably know that he NEVER takes a day off! So I of course thought it was a great idea! I hadn't gone to the temple with him FOREVER! So the next day we set off down to his parent's place and dropped Law off. As we were heading back up towards the temple I noticed that he passed the exit -so I just figured he was going to another one- until he passed that one as well! Then I thought "oh he must want to go up to the Salt Lake Temple where we were married, cute!" But he passed that one too! Driving Driving Driving soon I was in unfamiliar territory! "where are we going!?" I finally exploded he just said "On a roadtrip, I know how you love them!" I thought that was so cute! But on the other hand I was a little dissappoint...

potty time?

So Law has decided to be like Cole and "potty train himself". A few days ago Law came to me saying "poop poop" so I asked if he needed a diaper change and he said "no" I checked him just to make sure but there was nothing there. Again he said "poop poop" so I asked "do you need to go potty?" "YEAH!" he yelled excitedly and ran off to my bathroom. So I went ahead and set him on the toilet and he pooped a little but got nervous and wanted to get down. The next day he came and said the same thing, but didn't want anything to do with the toilet, so we bought him a training seat for little bums -which his bum is almost too big for haha! Anyrate he's doing pretty good with it! Who knows how long it will last but I will just enjoy it while I can!


Law loves to help me with the laundry! When I'm separating colors into piles he's busy filling up Cole's dresser drawers with my dirty sweaters and socks -a nice surprise for when I'm finished washing and ready to put clothes away! ;) He's so cute! I just cant get upset that my chores are never done -thanks to his help- because I know one day when he's grown and gone I will miss the times he'd play in the laundry and hide it, only for me to find it after I'm "finally done"!

Christmas Tag

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Paper all the way! 2. Real tree or Artificial? BOTH, YAY TREES! 3. When do you put up the tree? Usually right after thanksgiving but we still haven't put ours up this year yet Cole always loves to do it as a family but we've all been too busy so hopefully this Friday! 4. When do you take the tree down? hmmm... We dont really have a set date for this one yet but it comes down before my bday in January 5. Do you like eggnog? I had some this year and it brought back some memories but I dont really like the taste. 6. Favorite gift received as a child? I got a box of twinkies once, I was pretty stoked about that! ;) 7. Hardest person to buy for? Cole -because everything he wants is either REALLY expensive or he has it already. 8. Easiest person to buy for? Cole-because if you listen to him throughout the year you know EXACTLY what he wants. If you dont listen he will always be happy with a gun, haha! 9. Do you have a nativity scene? a couple incomplet...


Well, I've made it to my third -and final- trimester. As I look back on the past few months it seems like they just FLEW by! So why is it that I feel the next 10 weeks will take forever? I have to admit it is wonderful to be pregnant at this time of year, with so much to look forward to the months pass so quickly. I looked forward to fall and the leaves changing colors, then Halloween, Thanksgiving, snow and Christmas, January has New Year's and my bday, Valentines day next then a couple more weeks and our baby will be here!! I am so excited to have another little boy, I was mostly apprehensive at first but my excitement grows more and more each day. I so look forward to smelling that sweet little newborn head and looking at the dramatic difference in hand size between him and Law (whose hands seem so soft, chubby and little now) I am so excited to think that in a few couple years I will be watching he and Law play together. I cant believe how much my family is growing and chan...


For Thanksgiving we packed up our family along with Cole's parents, Seth (youngest brother), Lindsay (oldest sister) with her family, and headed for Mesa Arizona to Natalie's (Cole's little sister) place! It was great! We had a nice long trip ahead of us so we left early Wednesday morning and got there that night. Thanksgiving was great Aunt Lisa and her family came and ate with us! It was fun to get to see Natalie -she's awesome and her family! We hardly ever get to see her, and Cole had never even seen her house! Cole had a great time he played football Thursday morning, and went shooting on Friday! Law had fun too! Along with all the cousins there were to play with, Natalie has a big playroom with slides and trains and all sorts of fun things -so of course Law was happy! Kooper (Natalie's daughter) is about 5 months younger than Law and they played SSOOO CUTELY together! They'd just follow each other around "talking" and playing it was super cute! I...

Halloween -a little late

Ok here is my Halloween post: Our Halloween wasn't very eventful. Law and I were both sick so I thought I would try to cheer us up by going into town and picking out a pumpkin to come home and carve. After driving 30 minutes and going to 4 or 5 different stores, we came home -pumpkinless! Apparently you cannot buy pumpkins ON Halloween you must do it BEFORE. So we grabbed a pumpkin shake on the way home to share -which turned out to be a bad idea since both of us were already suffering from stomachaches DUH! Anyway Cole came home and I decided that we should still try trick-or-treating with Law. It was the first year he'd be able to and I didnt want to miss it! So we got dressed up -except Cole who decided he didn't want to after all. I went as a snowboard chick (so basically myself in the winter) and Law was a doctor -a cute one! We went up and down only one street and just as Law was getting the point of things it started to rain so we went home. Here is a pic of Law in h...

Fall Leaves

We have two big willow trees in our front yard and the other day they dumped TONS of leaves on our lawn, so I got out the rake. Law was SSOOO cute and helpful, grabbing handfuls of leaves and shoving them into the bag - did I mention how cute he is?! Towards the end we both decided that playing in them was WAY more fun then cleaning them up!

sick -again

So some of you know that Law has been sick yet again. What started with a cold quickly developed into a horrible case of croupe. Running to and from the hospital for his steroid shots have been EXHAUSTING! However he is doing much much MUCH better now! The other day Law recieved a package from his Great Aunt Michele for Halloween with some fun activities so, while he was really sick and not able to play much, he had some fun relaxing things to do. Here he is coloring away One tired and sick boy trying to smile and say cheese It was so sad! Notice all the drool? His throat was so irritated he wouldn't even swallow poor guy!

Husband Tag

Here's a picture of Cole, isn't he handsome!! I wasn't tagged this but I stole it from my friend Mindy 1. Where did you meet? The very first time we met was in church and my friend George introduced us because I said that Cole was a hottie! 2. How long did you date before you got married? Well, our first date was August 17th 2005 and we got married December 20th 2005 -so it was pretty short! 3. How long have you been married? 3 years in December 4. What is your favorite feature of his? physical feature? oh there's alot! His eyes are gorgeous, his smile just makes me melt, and his booty -well lets just say I REALLY like it! 5. What is your favorite quality of his? He is such a hard worker -which actually is sometimes frustrating but I am so grateful to know that he will do whatever he can to provide for our family, and he always works hard at our relationship. 6. Does he have a nick name for you? He's had a few but I think the ones he uses most often are Baby and nu...

Picture Tag

This tag is actually really fun! I was tagged by my sister Maria. Here's what you do; go to your pictures, open the fourth file, select the fourth picture, and post it! Here's mine: This is Cole talking with Law when Law was a couple months old I think its cute! This is so fun I'm tagging EVERYONE!


To the kids and adults of my neighborhood: STOP RETURNING MY DOG! Yes, we have a dog her name is Roxi (despite my efforts to change it) she is very sweet and playful. I let her out in our front yard -with no fence- to do her business and play, she LOVES to play in OUR yard! Roxi does well to stay in the yard too, and when she crosses the street to sniff at the field she has ALWAYS come back. So please stop chasing her down in her own yard to bring her to the door, I will only be letting her out in a few minutes anyway -she comes to the door and scratches when she wants in. To you the strange man in the car, you know who you are, I watched you stop your car and take MY dog from MY yard and bring her to the door just to tell me she was running away. People I know she's small but she is smart and she likes living here so she will come back on her own. Oh yeah and Gage you can play with her if you want but stop tackling her and bringing her to the door this is the fourth time you'v...

He's Here

Baby Nathanael Jared Mildenstein was born yesterday October 16, 2008. He is 19 inches long and 8lbs 9oz! Quite a little CHUNK! and so very cute! CONGRATULATIONS Diana & Aaron!! we love you!

My friend Ray

Rachael is an AMAZING phototgrapher -even though she refuses to admit it! She is shooting some family pics for us on Friday!! I am so freakin excited!!! I will definitely be posting some so all of you can see how awesome her photography is! Here are just a couple of the adorable pics she snapped of the kids playing around at the zoo last Friday!

drumroll please....

Its Official! We are having a boy!


This is for all y'all in Texas! I thought you might be missing some of the fall colors -remember how Aubria and Emma knew that their birthday was close because the mountains would change colors? -Good times!

little dough boy

For our youth activity a couple weeks ago we got together and made sugar cookies. Law was great at rolling out the counter -anytime we gave him dough to roll he just popped it right into his mouth! We all had a great time!


This was funny because I had read my sister-in-law's blog and her daughter (about six months youger than Law) did this and a couple days later Law did the exact same thing! Law got into the pantry looking for a snack and found my giant bag of chocolate chips and went to town!

Eight Things

8 t.v. shows I love to watch... I dont really watch tv all that much so I cant think of eight but I LOVE to watch the re-runs of The Cosby Show! All of my friends make fun of me and say I'm obsessed with Bill Cosby but seriously I love it! 8 things that happened yesterday... hung out with my new friend Flo, taught my puppy how to sit, went to cornbellies for our combined youth activity and had a BLAST!, a heating company came and shut down our lethal furnace -then over charged us for the visit and quoted us our first born plus 2 arms and a leg to repair the problem, made no-bake cookies, craved, ate , and became addicted to cheap gas station nachos, made some cute fall decor, Cole did the dishes AND put Law to bed! -I love him! 8 things I'm looking forward to... The furnace getting fixed, the puppy being trained, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Cole graduating, my anniversary, getting in the shower and going to BED! 8 people who I'm tagging... I think everyone who reads my blog ha...

an over-due update

Here's the update Cole has started school again and that has kept him pretty busy, he has also been teaching a lot of classes, and working hard! I'm so grateful I have him, he is such a hardworker, so motivated and ambitious. Law is growing and growing! He unveils new talents and abilities everyday, he is a handful for sure -I LOVE IT! He is all over the place it is so much fun! I am so happy I get to be a stay at home mom, It seems like he changes so fast I am so blessed to be able to enjoy this special time with him. I am alive and kicking -well the baby is kicking I am just alive. I am out of the morning sickness phase for the most part so that has been a nice change. Apparently it looks like we are having another boy! I am so excited the only problem is we cant think of ANY names! So if any of you have suggestions feel free to share! Well I think that's about it. I should be posting more frequently now -well, hopefully!

Law's recent favorite activities-

Reading -NAKED! Walking down the hall, reading -NAKED! and talking on his phone to Aunt "MWEA" (Maria) -NAKED! OK. So obviously he has learned to take his diaper off! What is the deal with this kid and his naked time!?


I thought this was cute...

waiting on 2 pink lines

So we just found out the other day that we're expecting our second child. I don't really know what to say because it doesn't feel like a reality, I'm still trying to grasp the thought that I have one! Anyrate I am due the 6th of March which seems so far away! I am so excited! I am also struggling with tons of feelings of anxiety and some worries, like will Law feel replaced or feel I don't love him as much? Will I love them both equally? etc. etc. Did/Do any of you have worries like this? How do I help Law cope with pregnancy and a new sibling? Any advice?

Our Trip to Texas

My eldest sister Diana moved to Texas last year with her six children who, since I spent time growing up with them, are like my little sisters and brothers! Now my other big sister Maria moved down there too! I love them all and miss them so much! Law and I had a chance to go and visit them for a whole WEEK! It was wonderful, so in this blog I am going to tell you a little bit about what we did, as well as tell you a little about my nieces, nephews and my big sisters! Since Maria was going to be moving down there she and Kennadee came to stay with us so we could all fly down together. I was so excited that someone was coming to see my new house that I went crazy cleaning everything! which didn't last long... I don't know if you can tell but those are tiny baby foot prints on my woodfloor -cute! We arrived in Austin where Diana and Aaron were waiting for us and drove to Hutto, where my two sistas now live! I love that the have water towers EVERYWHERE! We'll start with the k...